Happy Veteran’s Day 2020

Thank you Veterans

    We would be remiss if we forgot our veteran’s during this chaotic season. Happy Veteran’s Day 2020. We all owe you a debt of gratitude for putting your lives on the line for the rest of us. Some of you losing life or limb or left with a broken heart and or spirit. We are here for you …

The time is upon us

Don't forget to vote

  We are electing a president of the United States today. Only once every four years can we say the time is upon us to continue the status quo or to make change. Here at The Janet Channel, I will be keeping you all updated as soon as polls start closing at 7 p.m. EST in Georgia, South Carolina, Vermont …

The United States of Destruction

The US braces for elelction day violence

  Yep, folks, this is who we are. The United States of Destruction. Broken America I said it earlier this year when The Daily Mail wrote a headline saying, “Broken America,” that we have always been broken. We industrialized off the backs of slaves and minorities, creating victims of progress. We have already endured a civil war, so we have …

The honor of voting

Election 2020

  Have you voted yet? I voted live earlier today, and I was sort of overcome with the honor of voting. These tumultuous times Have brought people out to feel the honor of voting. I have been voting since I was legally old enough to vote, and I do not think I have ever missed an election. I once voted …

I love being a Rockstar

I love being a rockstar

    Yes, I love being a Rockstar. This post goes out to my friend Ronnie, who is a player in my game. He always reminds me of who I am, and his timing is usually perfect. Janet of all traits “Faith Hulk Witchy Louis Lane Rock Superstar,” is how Ronnie referred to me this morning in our messenger group …

Holy Weatherman is it hot

God's weather can be challenging

    I will say that again. Holy Weatherman is it hot. How is everyone? Hoping all is well during this blazing U.S. summer. It is 123 degrees in Death Valley Yes, you heard that right, it is 123 degrees in Death Valley. It is 118 in Needles California, 113 in Phoenix, 102 in Los Angeles, 100 degrees in Spokane, …

Money talks and the NHL listens

NHL officials all smiles after roping in new billionaires

    The National Hockey League was the last bastion of genuine goodness in North American professional sports. It had remained earnest and appreciative of being able to just play the game, as other professional sports leagues were selling out to the highest bidders. That gritty attitude came to an abrupt halt around 1995 because, well, money talks and the …

Acting like no lives matter

Protesters in NY City

    Black Lives Matter. Blue Lives Matter. White Lives Matter. If all these lives matter, why are so many people acting like no lives matter … except of course their own? If you matter, so does the next guy But that is not what I am hearing. I am hearing people yell, my life matters while clashing with someone …