Hello world. It has been more than three years since I have been here on my blog. I am not even sure what this first post will entail. More than likely, just a clean up of the time I have been gone and some chit chat before I dig into all of what the hell has been going on in the world. That said, I am back on the blog.
Let’s start with the profile pic
Okay, so the only photographer I know who is awesome is in Arizona. I am in Northern Nevada. So, for now I decided to take down my professional photo from seven years ago and throw up a simple selfie. I have some newfound respect for Pamela Anderson, who has been going makeup free unless she is working. That said, I do want a new professional pic and that will hopefully come within the next 12 months.
Let’s talk about where I have been
For a few years I was working outside my home office, and I did not have the energy to focus on The Janet Channel. After an 11-year whirlwind of change, and all that this kind of cycle produces, I took a year to just chill, regroup and take care of me. And so far, after the complete chaos of the past two weeks in our government, I am so happy I took that year. I have become healthy again and I am going to need my regained fitness to deal with the malarky we are going to be faced with for the next four years.

Let’s talk about Bluesky

This is where you can comment on my posts. I am not interested in policing comments here on this page, but I will post all my links on my Bluesky profile. You can comment there, but beware, I won’t tolerate trolls. These folks will be blocked. I don’t have a problem with respectful disagreeing, but I won’t tolerate maga propaganda or arguing.

Let’s talk about subscribers to this blog
Okay, so I have unsubscribed a handful of friends or family members from this blog who are supporters of the current president of the United States. They all know that I am not a supporter of the president, and the gloves are now off. If you are reading this, if you are subscribed to this blog and you are a supporter of the current president, you might want to unsubscribe. But non supporters should not be fooled because I don’t care who a person is or what side of the aisle he or she falls on. If a person needs to be called out, I am calling that person out. Just yesterday I sent a pretty scathing email to my two U.S. senators, my one U.S. congressman and my state governor to ask where in the hell are their voices. The senators are democrat, and the congressman and governor are republican. Right now, they all suck.

So, that is why I unsubscribed those I care about from this blog. I don’t want to hear them praise a felon, and believe me, I know all about felons, and those I care about don’t want to hear me shred their favorite felon.

Let’s talk about broken promises
Yeah, when I first created this blog, I made a promise that I would not use swear words. Well, I am breaking that promise. I do promise to try my hardest to remain professional, but as I said above, the gloves are off. I am well over what has been taking place in the country where I was born and raised and obviously the ruling thuggery party of the United States doesn’t give a crap about protocol. And the remaining political affiliations, I am sick of watching them with their thumbs up their asses acting all prim and proper. Gloves off, baby!

Let’s talk about my party affiliation
Me, I have been registered nonpartisan since 2016. I am kind of a wild child, and I have been registered everything at some point in my life. I have flowed in every direction, but the felon in chief has pushed me more to the left than I ever imagined I could be pushed. No, I don’t buy fully into every progressive point. A couple of the points I have issues with, I agree on but not to the same extent as some do. That said, I would choose to be considered progressive at this point in my life. I am completely blue through and through.
Let’s talk about my favorite YouTube content creators
I will get more into this as time goes on, but I watch a handful or two of channels on a regular basis. I do have a couple of favorites such as Tim Miller of The Bulwark. We are like brother/sister from different mothers. Our brains just react the same to every situation.
Kyle Kulinski of Secular Talk. He covers all the events of the day. There are no ads on his show. He earns his money through grassroots efforts.

Gavin and Zac (or Silly and Billy) of the Vanguard. These are two young guys who call out all ridiculous people. I love watching the youth of America stand up and shout it out. They also do not run any ads on their show. They also earn their money through a grassroots effort.
Let’s talk about supporting my work
Everyone is looking for money, I get it. I used to be paid to write and inform the public about the world at large. That is not happening now, but I am still willing to come out of retirement, with no guarantee of payment, to utilize my God given gift of knowing and seeing the truth and telling people about such truths.

Support This Independent Channel – The Janet Channel
Anyway, I am back on the blog. See you real soon.

Readers can comment on story links at Bluesky. You will find my email address posted on the top right side of this page or at the bottom of the page on your mobile device. Those of you who have my number can always text.
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