Monthly Archives: April 2020

I do not eat pigs feet

People grossed out by pigs feet

I inherited my mother’s stomach and I do not eat pigs feet. My dad used to eat pigs feet and other nontraditional body parts. He tried telling me when I was a kid that chocolate grasshoppers were real grasshoppers. I believed him because of all he ate. It did keep me out of his chocolate box. Eating chocolate covered bugs …

Does anyone really listen to

Meghan Markle??? Seriously. I will not even click on a link associated with her name. I also will never watch the new Disney elephant documentary that she narrated. Today I saw a story headline: Meghan gives job interview advice online from L.A. home. Are you kidding me? The only advice this girl can give is how to snag a rich …

Spring Cleaning and the Home Nail Salon

Spring Cleaning is a term that conjures up thoughts of confinement and dust. I bet this horrible idea is on the minds of many today. Hopefully, lockdown ends in a few weeks. So, I thought I would be efficient and attempt to get spring cleaning done while I am still locked down. I will be paying attention to the news …

Desert Dwelling

Before this weekend begins, I need to pay homage to my Desert Southwest family and friends. Folks who live in the Desert Southwest are the most unrecognized people anywhere. I know this because I was a desert dweller for 37 total years. They endure endless amounts of heat every year without any fanfare from the media. It is just accepted …

Earth Day 2020

Speaking of the earth housing us, Happy Earth Day. I always forget about earth day. It surprises me that I do because I am fascinated with earthquakes, and I have always loved geography and terrain. I think the main benefactor of the nasty virus is our Earth and atmosphere. Perhaps as we study this virus and others to come, we …

Rise and grind

Like I said, I was ready to go. So, the way I have coped with lockdown is to keep a steady grind. Like Sunday I said to a friend, well, tomorrow back to the grind. I work from home, but even working from home, you must have a routine to allow yourself a good grind. It is evident what my …

Let the protests begin

People defiant of Covid-19 rules

I was hoping to save the hockey player groin injury  post for today, but I saw the story popping Friday. I wanted to get in front of it. Kind of like when I told you all in February that Mercury went retrograde so hold on to your electronics and your minds. Sorry Christian friends. Mercury is a real thing and …

For the Good of the Game

For the good of the game

This is what it looks like after one gets a groin injury What!? Okay, so thank the good Lord I have never experienced a groin injury. That said, as a hockey girl since the seventh grade, I know a lot about groin injuries. Right now, this planet is experiencing one big fat groin injury. Ya know how I know this. …

5 of 8

Are the number of days I have been among other humans. Five of the past eight days I was out of the house and it has done great things for my immune system. It has made it start working again. My immune system tends to get lazy when allowed. I usually get the sickest when I have been around the …


Just a quick note. The IRS site to enter bank information for stimulus payment direct deposits has gone live but it has already crashed. So, here is the address: It will probably take a day or two before there is even a chance of getting your information submitted. I was hoping to report a smoother process, but the system …