Tag Archives: Coronavirus

Tick Tock Tick Tock

Yeah, that is what’s going on right now in our United States Senate. Tick Tock Tick Tock. As a print news reporter, I covered government affairs as well as enough meetings to know that anything can be done. Unfortunately, politicians have their own agendas and they add those agendas into bills that need to be passed. Sometimes these added agenda …

Watching C-SPAN for you

I have been watching C-SPAN for you. Why? Because our economy depends on what our United States Senate does over the next few days. Two Coronavirus emergency bills have been sent to President Donald Trump. The third and current bill being discussed, which is the most important to everyday citizens, I fear is going to take much longer to pass …

The (emotional) price of medical care

When I was almost 16 years of age, I was in a very bad car accident with five others. We were in a two-door Ford Bronco and we were T-boned at an intersection. A witness said we looked like rag dolls flying out of the vehicle. The youngest person in the accident was the brother of the driver. The driver …


Facebook is a large community of friends and families. I don’t always have time to explore Facebook, and I recently changed my page name to my game name. I did that to make chatting easier with those on my Faith Wolf team. But this morning, a stroll through Facebook was like a dose of medicine. It was refreshing to see …


Welcome to my world. Across the globe and now in the U.S., everyone is home self-isolating. It is not fun. Approximately three and a half years ago, I was pretty much left for dead in an emotional state of despair. I immediately began to self-isolate. I moved to an area where I knew no one and the self-isolation continued. I …

Crushing defeat

It has won. The world has officially experienced a crushing defeat by the Coronavirus. By the “stupid Coronavirus,” said by fellow Italian Joe Giudice. The word defeat strongly comes into play when referring to sporting events. And the world of sports has been turned on its head during this virus outbreak. First was my friend in Switzerland. The Swiss government …

Carson Calm

Mountain living is very peaceful. It is so peaceful it is almost sleepy. Where I live, I like to call it, “Carson Calm.” The northern section of the Sierra Nevada mountain range encompasses a large community of Nevada and California cities and towns. The two states share Lake Tahoe. California sees Truckee to the northwest and Nevada sees Reno to …

Weekend update March 6, 2020

Weekend update March 6, 2020 First off, this is DST weekend in North America. Time to spring those clocks forward an hour. I am not a fan of daylight-saving time. Arizona does not observe DST. That is one thing I do miss about Arizona. There are inconveniences with not being on DST. Relatives in other states change their times and …

Panic buying

Panic buying …. It falls along the same lines as retail therapy, you know, buying things you don’t need in order to make yourself feel better. Right now with the Coronavirus, we have a combination of retail therapy and prepper nation taking place. When I said we all needed to do our part to combat this virus, this is not …

And speaking of rocks …

And speaking of rocks … There is definite hysteria taking place here in the United States over the Coronavirus, as folks are panic shopping on both coasts east and west. Medical masks, bottled water and other goods are flying off the shelves in many cities. There is also hysteria over the United States’ Real ID. Why? Because so many people …