Panic buying

Panic buying …. It falls along the same lines as retail therapy, you know, buying things you don’t need in order to make yourself feel better.

Right now with the Coronavirus, we have a combination of retail therapy and prepper nation taking place. When I said we all needed to do our part to combat this virus, this is not what I had in mind.

Across America, we have people wearing masks, that even our surgeon general said were of no use, while clearing shelves in big box stores and local supermarkets. Seriously? For reals?

Let’s look at a couple of scenarios that make this prepper panic shopping ridiculous. Okay, so Ms. Single Mother of Three has worked all week and on Saturday she needs to do her weekly shopping. She gets to the toilet paper aisle and there is none. So, her children now have to go without toilet paper because Mr. and Mrs. Prepper Panic Buyers have 500 rolls stashed in their garage.

Is that stupid or what?!

How is this helping?

Here is another one. Mr. I Work Hard for a Living needs a mask for work. Guess what? He can’t find one because Mr. and Mrs. Prepper Panic Buyers have 100 of them in their garage. Oh, and by the way, the same people who have been wearing masks for a decade, reside is the same place where this Coronavirus started. Are you starting to see the irony?

Is that stupid or what?!

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How is this helping?

Here is another one. Mr. and Mrs. Prepper Panic Buyers went out and bought up all the guns and ammo they could find so that they could create a fortress and kill everyone who comes to get that toilet paper. So, what are they going to do with the masses of dead bodies they kill? Do they have a grave site planned? Will they sit with the stench of dead people outside their fortresses? Will they dump them in a shallow grave with new flies being born to create a new virus?

Is that stupid or what?!

How is any of this helping?

Folks, has anyone ever heard of washing your hands with warm soapy water and keeping those dirty hands away from your face? Has anyone heard of having on hand a favorite over the counter bug killer? My personal favorite is Mucinex DM regular strength. Kills nearly on contact … if I handle it at the first sign. It keeps the worst virus at bay. Some people cannot take it because of other conflicting medications, so find something else. I am not a doctor but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that it is not a wise idea to sleep on a growing bug and do nothing. It then has a chance to form and then it wins and you lose. Kill the bug instead of the invaders at your door looking for that toilet paper. It is so much easier.

Doomsday prepping, panic buying and all that it entails is delusional. When that day comes, preppers don’t stand a chance. Ask the dinosaurs.