Tag Archives: Coronavirus

That nagging Covid-19 groin injury is back

Covid-19 cases see a large spike over the past few weeks

  I told you this was going to happen. Looking like it did in April, that nagging Covid-19 groin injury is back infecting thousands. According to Thursday statistics, the number of Covid-19 infections across the U.S rose by nearly 40,000 in the largest single-day increase since the pandemic began. These numbers follow weeks of steady or declining infections and hospitalizations. …

Rise and grind

Like I said, I was ready to go. So, the way I have coped with lockdown is to keep a steady grind. Like Sunday I said to a friend, well, tomorrow back to the grind. I work from home, but even working from home, you must have a routine to allow yourself a good grind. It is evident what my …

Let the protests begin

People defiant of Covid-19 rules

I was hoping to save the hockey player groin injury  post for today, but I saw the story popping Friday. I wanted to get in front of it. Kind of like when I told you all in February that Mercury went retrograde so hold on to your electronics and your minds. Sorry Christian friends. Mercury is a real thing and …

Buh bye now Walmart

This post is to serve as a public service announcement to stay away from Walmart.com … unless you like being lied to and dealing with delays and aggravation. In the year 2000, I began a 13-year boycott of Walmart. Not for obvious reasons such as poor pay to employees and cutting profits of suppliers to pad its own coffers. No, …

Who is Carole Baskin?

That was a question I had last night for a couple of my gaming friends. I play this interactive game comprised of 25-30 fictitious states. Each state has a government and a government notice board. Last night when I saw the third item on the board, “Carole Baskin killed her husband the bitch,” I thought she was a player in …

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

There is not much to talk about besides the Coronavirus and its stronghold on the world. The pandemic has taken over every aspect of our lives. I thought I would pick out some of the highlights of the past couple of days and share them with you. I decided I would list the good the bad and the ugly in …

Done Deal

It’s a done deal folks. The $2.2 trillion Coronavirus emergency stimulus package known as the Cares Act was passed earlier today by the United States House of Representatives and was just signed by President Donald Trump. Many people are rejoicing, though some are not happy with the package for one reason or another. That our politicians were able to come …