Tick Tock Tick Tock

Yeah, that is what’s going on right now in our United States Senate. Tick Tock Tick Tock.

As a print news reporter, I covered government affairs as well as enough meetings to know that anything can be done. Unfortunately, politicians have their own agendas and they add those agendas into bills that need to be passed. Sometimes these added agenda items are called pork. Today I call them bologna. I promised you I would not swear, as much as I would like.

The American people are today being held hostage by bologna agenda items. In between dueling opinions of corporate America and their continual bailouts, are Americans not working but waiting to get paid.

Easily, the portion of this third stimulus bill that focuses on checks to Americans can be pulled out and dealt with separately, but then there are no hostage negotiation tools left for the remainder of those items in the bill.

Tick Tock Tick Tock.

I told you this last week. I said this bill would take longer to pass than it should and here we are, senators fighting with each other as more and more of them are testing positive for the Coronavirus and the end of the month approaching fast.
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Call your senators and tell them to get it done. You vote them in. You can vote them out. Everyone needs to do something at this point. You are all in lock down. May I suggest you get on your computer and contact your representatives.

If we are all in this together, we all need to stand and speak our minds.

Tick Tck Tick Tock