Tag Archives: California

A new crack in the road

The Mina earthquakes creates a new crack in the road

    Nevada gets a big Friday morning quake and we have a new crack in the road. The Nevada Highway Patrol Northern Command snapped the above picture this morning near Mina Nevada. California … ??? Earthquakes … California …??? Move on over Move over California. Nevada is getting ready to take over as reigning earthquake champ. There was a …

Herd Immunity for covid-19

Beautiful Regan Beach South Lake Tahoe California

  Achieving Herd immunity for Covid-19 is a good goal, but it cannot be achieved without a vaccine. Vaccinated people protect the few who are not. Mumps, chicken pox and other infectious diseases are examples of achieved Herd Immunity through vaccination. As an outcome, Herd Immunity is a noun. I have started using Herd Immunity as a verb, as in: To …

We were united for about a month

We were united for about a month, two thirds of the U.S. is back open

As a country we were united for about a month. We were all home under house arrest, except for essential workers. That has all changed as of today. About two thirds of the country has opened with social distancing and capacity restrictions, as well as some mask requirements. All but three of the states that did not open this morning …

A Kind of Great Shake

Last night, Carson City Nevada and neighboring residents had a Coronavirus house-arrest surprise. A kind of great shake. No, milkshakes were not delivered to our doors by the government. We had a strong 4.5 earthquake. It was originally reported by the Nevada Seismological Laboratory as 5.0, but it was later reduced to 4.5. I am in the minority. I like …

Carson Calm

Mountain living is very peaceful. It is so peaceful it is almost sleepy. Where I live, I like to call it, “Carson Calm.” The northern section of the Sierra Nevada mountain range encompasses a large community of Nevada and California cities and towns. The two states share Lake Tahoe. California sees Truckee to the northwest and Nevada sees Reno to …

Super Tuesday 2020

Super Tuesday … It is a day in February or March when the largest number of states host primary presidential elections. Super Tuesday 2020 took place last night in 14 states. The two current leaders in the democratic race are now former Vice President Joe Biden and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. Republicans are not hosting primaries this year because President …