World View

Joe Biden is like a bad husband

Joe Biden is like a bad husband

              Yeah, Joe Biden is like a bad husband. He cuts and runs; he deserts those who have come to rely on him and then he blames his victims. As chaos has sprawled out of control in Afghanistan, our bad husband in chief stood squarely behind his decision to let an entire nation hang …

The dedication of the Taliban

Taliban take control of many cities in Afghanistan

        The actions of the Taliban should never be admired, but the dedication of the Taliban is another story. Officials like to refer to the two decades the U.S. had troops in Afghanistan as a 20-year war. After the first year however, it became more of a stabalizing peace keeping mission. We kept the peace, and we …

Memorial Day Weekend 2020

A beautiful flag on Memorial Day

    Hello and Happy Memorial Day Weekend 2020. Memorial Day weekend is about honoring military personnel who died while serving in the armed forces. Observed the last Monday of May, the weekend also kicks off early summer. It is already summer in the Desert Southwest. A heat wave in Northern Nevada starts Monday, and South Lake Tahoe officials told …

Herd Immunity for covid-19

Beautiful Regan Beach South Lake Tahoe California

  Achieving Herd immunity for Covid-19 is a good goal, but it cannot be achieved without a vaccine. Vaccinated people protect the few who are not. Mumps, chicken pox and other infectious diseases are examples of achieved Herd Immunity through vaccination. As an outcome, Herd Immunity is a noun. I have started using Herd Immunity as a verb, as in: To …

We were united for about a month

We were united for about a month, two thirds of the U.S. is back open

As a country we were united for about a month. We were all home under house arrest, except for essential workers. That has all changed as of today. About two thirds of the country has opened with social distancing and capacity restrictions, as well as some mask requirements. All but three of the states that did not open this morning …

I do not eat pigs feet

People grossed out by pigs feet

I inherited my mother’s stomach and I do not eat pigs feet. My dad used to eat pigs feet and other nontraditional body parts. He tried telling me when I was a kid that chocolate grasshoppers were real grasshoppers. I believed him because of all he ate. It did keep me out of his chocolate box. Eating chocolate covered bugs …

Does anyone really listen to

Meghan Markle??? Seriously. I will not even click on a link associated with her name. I also will never watch the new Disney elephant documentary that she narrated. Today I saw a story headline: Meghan gives job interview advice online from L.A. home. Are you kidding me? The only advice this girl can give is how to snag a rich …