
Spring Cleaning and the Home Nail Salon

Spring Cleaning is a term that conjures up thoughts of confinement and dust. I bet this horrible idea is on the minds of many today. Hopefully, lockdown ends in a few weeks. So, I thought I would be efficient and attempt to get spring cleaning done while I am still locked down. I will be paying attention to the news …

Desert Dwelling

Before this weekend begins, I need to pay homage to my Desert Southwest family and friends. Folks who live in the Desert Southwest are the most unrecognized people anywhere. I know this because I was a desert dweller for 37 total years. They endure endless amounts of heat every year without any fanfare from the media. It is just accepted …

Rise and grind

Like I said, I was ready to go. So, the way I have coped with lockdown is to keep a steady grind. Like Sunday I said to a friend, well, tomorrow back to the grind. I work from home, but even working from home, you must have a routine to allow yourself a good grind. It is evident what my …

5 of 8

Are the number of days I have been among other humans. Five of the past eight days I was out of the house and it has done great things for my immune system. It has made it start working again. My immune system tends to get lazy when allowed. I usually get the sickest when I have been around the …

Proof of Life

Easter Saturday at Lake Tahoe. A sign there is still life on this planet. I have been under a rock the past couple of days. Even a reporter must close his or her eyes for a brief period, especially with the redundant gloom and doom that is our current state of news. I had a PTSD free 3-days. I have, …

Samsung … Can it really be?

Can it really be after six or seven updates, Samsung has finally fixed the calibration software in its Galaxy Watch? Talk about a stubborn company. I love Samsung phones. I love my Samsung TVs. I have owned several Samsung step tracking watches … and then came the Galaxy Watch. Good golly Miss Molly, I never owned anything so frustrating, ever. …

Buh bye now Walmart

This post is to serve as a public service announcement to stay away from … unless you like being lied to and dealing with delays and aggravation. In the year 2000, I began a 13-year boycott of Walmart. Not for obvious reasons such as poor pay to employees and cutting profits of suppliers to pad its own coffers. No, …

Who is Carole Baskin?

That was a question I had last night for a couple of my gaming friends. I play this interactive game comprised of 25-30 fictitious states. Each state has a government and a government notice board. Last night when I saw the third item on the board, “Carole Baskin killed her husband the bitch,” I thought she was a player in …

LG: Liquid Gold

We hear a lot about TP lately. That would be toilet paper. How about LG. That would be Liquid Gold. See those items in the above picture? Add some parsley, garlic and red bell pepper to the mix and that is what you have: Liquid Gold. Otherwise known as Italian red gravy. Who doesn’t love it? Yesterday was the first …

Carson Calm

Mountain living is very peaceful. It is so peaceful it is almost sleepy. Where I live, I like to call it, “Carson Calm.” The northern section of the Sierra Nevada mountain range encompasses a large community of Nevada and California cities and towns. The two states share Lake Tahoe. California sees Truckee to the northwest and Nevada sees Reno to …