Tag Archives: President Donald Trump

Night falls on Capitol Hill

Curfew set for DC.

  Night falls on Capitol Hill 3:30 p.m. PST/6:30 p.m. EST Night is falling on Washington, DC. There was no way I could have commented at first on this story. I tried to just jump into a reporter role for a bit. But at this point we all know what is going on.     More anarchy Today what we …

Done Deal

It’s a done deal folks. The $2.2 trillion Coronavirus emergency stimulus package known as the Cares Act was passed earlier today by the United States House of Representatives and was just signed by President Donald Trump. Many people are rejoicing, though some are not happy with the package for one reason or another. That our politicians were able to come …

Watching C-SPAN for you

I have been watching C-SPAN for you. Why? Because our economy depends on what our United States Senate does over the next few days. Two Coronavirus emergency bills have been sent to President Donald Trump. The third and current bill being discussed, which is the most important to everyday citizens, I fear is going to take much longer to pass …

The (emotional) price of medical care

When I was almost 16 years of age, I was in a very bad car accident with five others. We were in a two-door Ford Bronco and we were T-boned at an intersection. A witness said we looked like rag dolls flying out of the vehicle. The youngest person in the accident was the brother of the driver. The driver …


Facebook is a large community of friends and families. I don’t always have time to explore Facebook, and I recently changed my page name to my game name. I did that to make chatting easier with those on my Faith Wolf team. But this morning, a stroll through Facebook was like a dose of medicine. It was refreshing to see …

What was Chuck Schumer thinking?

What was Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York thinking yesterday when he made threatening statements directed at the United States Supreme Court? “I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price,” Schumer warned. “You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with …

Super Tuesday 2020

Super Tuesday … It is a day in February or March when the largest number of states host primary presidential elections. Super Tuesday 2020 took place last night in 14 states. The two current leaders in the democratic race are now former Vice President Joe Biden and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. Republicans are not hosting primaries this year because President …

Ok Boomer versus Snowflake

Ok Boomer versus Snowflake aka Trump versus Sanders   This evening NBC News will host a democratic presidential debate in Las Vegas, ahead of Saturday’s Nevada caucusing. The debate, which begins at 9 p.m. ET, will surely be a boxing match between the current front runner, Bernie Sanders, and the remaining five of seven current 2020 democratic presidential hopefuls. “Okay …