World View

Earth Day 2020

Speaking of the earth housing us, Happy Earth Day. I always forget about earth day. It surprises me that I do because I am fascinated with earthquakes, and I have always loved geography and terrain. I think the main benefactor of the nasty virus is our Earth and atmosphere. Perhaps as we study this virus and others to come, we …

Let the protests begin

People defiant of Covid-19 rules

I was hoping to save the hockey player groin injury  post for today, but I saw the story popping Friday. I wanted to get in front of it. Kind of like when I told you all in February that Mercury went retrograde so hold on to your electronics and your minds. Sorry Christian friends. Mercury is a real thing and …

For the Good of the Game

For the good of the game

This is what it looks like after one gets a groin injury What!? Okay, so thank the good Lord I have never experienced a groin injury. That said, as a hockey girl since the seventh grade, I know a lot about groin injuries. Right now, this planet is experiencing one big fat groin injury. Ya know how I know this. …

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

There is not much to talk about besides the Coronavirus and its stronghold on the world. The pandemic has taken over every aspect of our lives. I thought I would pick out some of the highlights of the past couple of days and share them with you. I decided I would list the good the bad and the ugly in …

Is this the best we got?

I proudly said on Friday that we live in the greatest nation on earth. We are a great nation. But what about this? These pictures are from a Las Vegas parking lot, where homeless people are being rounded up and confined to asphalt below them and no protection above them. Homelessness is a growing pandemic right here within the borders …

The (emotional) price of medical care

When I was almost 16 years of age, I was in a very bad car accident with five others. We were in a two-door Ford Bronco and we were T-boned at an intersection. A witness said we looked like rag dolls flying out of the vehicle. The youngest person in the accident was the brother of the driver. The driver …


Facebook is a large community of friends and families. I don’t always have time to explore Facebook, and I recently changed my page name to my game name. I did that to make chatting easier with those on my Faith Wolf team. But this morning, a stroll through Facebook was like a dose of medicine. It was refreshing to see …


Welcome to my world. Across the globe and now in the U.S., everyone is home self-isolating. It is not fun. Approximately three and a half years ago, I was pretty much left for dead in an emotional state of despair. I immediately began to self-isolate. I moved to an area where I knew no one and the self-isolation continued. I …

Crushing defeat

It has won. The world has officially experienced a crushing defeat by the Coronavirus. By the “stupid Coronavirus,” said by fellow Italian Joe Giudice. The word defeat strongly comes into play when referring to sporting events. And the world of sports has been turned on its head during this virus outbreak. First was my friend in Switzerland. The Swiss government …

Bye Bye Harvey

Bye bye Harvey. Hey, don’t let the door hit you. Move mogul Harvey Weinstein was sentenced this morning to 23 years in prison for sexual assaults upon two women. Many women have accused Harvey Weinstein of deviant sexual behavior, but this case involved just two of these women. Naturally, Harvey’s lawyer is outraged. She said the trial was unfair and …