Crushing defeat

It has won.

The world has officially experienced a crushing defeat by the Coronavirus.

By the “stupid Coronavirus,” said by fellow Italian Joe Giudice.

The word defeat strongly comes into play when referring to sporting events. And the world of sports has been turned on its head during this virus outbreak. First was my friend in Switzerland. The Swiss government in February banned all public or private events of 5,000 or more. His team’s hockey playoffs were just getting ready to start when the initial one-month ban was put in place.

Last night, after ushering fans out of the Oklahoma City Thunder building, the NBA suspended its season because one of the Utah Jazz players tested positive for Coronavirus. This morning, a second Jazz player tested positive. Also this morning, all Swiss hockey organizations came together to say goodbye to the 2019-2020 season and to the 2020 playoffs.

These truly are crushing defeats. Who knows what will happen with the rest of the NBA season and its upcoming playoffs, and is the National Hockey League next? (Right at about the time this post went live, the NHL did follow suit and it has suspended its season).

As everyday-Joe citizens, it is very easy to sit back and criticize professional sports and the athletes. There is plenty of reason to question the money that goes into sports and how it gets there. It is easy to question some of the behaviors we see from million-dollar players, but folks, this is their lives. And now, all the lives around them are being affected. Not only are entire organizations currently on hiatus, but to reach the point of where some of these teams have surly come this year and to be stopped in their tracks by a virus, these are truly crushing defeats.

I feel my friend’s defeat, and that same feeling is reverberating around the world right now.
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This virus has taken over, that is for sure, but I honestly do not believe it is in control. It is a virus. We are humans and we are stronger than it. Perhaps the silver lining is that the inhabitants of this world may take on some better personal care, and maybe we learn how to better self-protect.

I play this game called West Game. I spoke about it on my Christian blog The Journey Victorious.. A player once shared these excellent words of wisdom: There are two rules in this game. The first rule is to protect your stuff. The second rule: Refer to rule one.

Protect yourselves folks, and I don’t mean go out hoarding. Wash your hands, take your meds and stop eating bats. Yes, I said bats. Also, use these next few weeks to spend quality time with your families. It doesn’t need to be all bad.

I may not be reporting tomorrow because I will be celebrating my birthday, and on Saturday some friends are planning a small early St. Patrick’s Day blow out. We are expecting snow, so it makes the weekend even better. If something besides Coronavirus takes place, I will jump on the blog but if not, have a safe and wonderful weekend.

And for my friend in Switzerland: You did good. I am super proud of you.