Adios, and goodbye to 2020 with the Dee Dee Dee song by Carlos Mencia.
Funnier than heck
I love this guy. He had some hilarious videos. Some I can no longer find but Comedy Central has kept Dee Dee Dee on its site.
Dee Dee Dee
This video dates back to August 2006, so the names and acts are no longer focal points but the point of this video is that being dumb does not yield fruit. So, if you do click and listen, first check your ego at the door so you are not offended. Then try to understand its intended meaning.
Let me preface this post
I promised I would never use swear words on this blog, but I need to call myself out before I continue. After the first use I will clean it up thereafter if I need to refer.
I was having a conversation with two other women who had been divorced. They said they had been doormats in their life. I said my DNA would never allow that, but I have been dumb as fuck.
What owning offers
It offers you the ability to then speak over what you own. I own that I have been dumb as a knob, not all my life, but in certain instances throughout my life. And guess what? So have you. Everyone has, but some only want to say others are dumb but think they themselves have never been dumb.
So, yeah, I have been Dee Dee Dee.
Dee Dee Dee on steroids
For all intents and purposes, I am currently not in a dumb stage. But that does not mean I don’t still smell dumb from 10 miles away.
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This country of the United States on a whole has been struggling all year to find its feet but people who are Dee Dee Dee on steroids have messed it up for everyone. And this mindset is not getting any better, it is just getting worse.
The most recent act of dumb

This group of grown adults slammed their way into a grocery store in Southern California without their masks, whining that all they wanted to do was to shop and protect themselves in their own way.
Okay, number one, YOU DON’T OWN THE STORE and there is nothing written that grants you the right to shop there on your terms. Can you say DEE DEE DEE any louder?
Stupidity in this country has run amok. Everyone needs to think of their actions as of late and ask, am I a Dee Dee Dee? Am I being a Dee Dee Dee by something I am doing?
The question needs to be asked before it is too late, if it isn’t already.
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