Monthly Archives: November 2020

Done abiding by covid rules

Social distance signs in stores

    I so want to say I am done abiding by covid rules. Not because I woke up feeling like a defiant privileged white woman, but because of this BS.     Yeah, these are people who were waiting to shop on Thanksgiving evening. I see a lot of social distancing going on. Why I ask Am I doing …

Say it isn’t so

Panic buying in America

    Please … Say it isn’t so: Panic buying 2.0. That of course was the headline at The Daily Mail today. I think the headline and some of the pictures in the story are misleading. Some of the photos in the story are from spring. I have heard of continued shortages of sanitizing supplies and other household items, but …

Happy Veteran’s Day 2020

Thank you Veterans

    We would be remiss if we forgot our veteran’s during this chaotic season. Happy Veteran’s Day 2020. We all owe you a debt of gratitude for putting your lives on the line for the rest of us. Some of you losing life or limb or left with a broken heart and or spirit. We are here for you …

The time is upon us

Don't forget to vote

  We are electing a president of the United States today. Only once every four years can we say the time is upon us to continue the status quo or to make change. Here at The Janet Channel, I will be keeping you all updated as soon as polls start closing at 7 p.m. EST in Georgia, South Carolina, Vermont …