Tag Archives: Mercury Retrograde

I love being a Rockstar

I love being a rockstar

    Yes, I love being a Rockstar. This post goes out to my friend Ronnie, who is a player in my game. He always reminds me of who I am, and his timing is usually perfect. Janet of all traits “Faith Hulk Witchy Louis Lane Rock Superstar,” is how Ronnie referred to me this morning in our messenger group …

Let the protests begin

People defiant of Covid-19 rules

I was hoping to save the hockey player groin injury  post for today, but I saw the story popping Friday. I wanted to get in front of it. Kind of like when I told you all in February that Mercury went retrograde so hold on to your electronics and your minds. Sorry Christian friends. Mercury is a real thing and …

Happy President’s Day

Happy Monday and happy Presidents Day. Some of you may have the day off. Some are busy toiling away. Mercury went retrograde this morning until March 8, so … hold on to your hats and your electronics … oh, and to your minds. Speaking of presidents, or the subject of presidents, democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders was apparently here in …