
Joe Biden is like a bad husband

Joe Biden is like a bad husband

              Yeah, Joe Biden is like a bad husband. He cuts and runs; he deserts those who have come to rely on him and then he blames his victims. As chaos has sprawled out of control in Afghanistan, our bad husband in chief stood squarely behind his decision to let an entire nation hang …

Free speech 101

Bill of rights

    Do they still teach civics in high school? I am thinking not. So here goes: FREE SPEECH 101.     I beg you to read the definition of free speech from the above highlighted link. It is authored by the National Constitution Center. The confusion Currently people are confusing free speech violations with cause and effect, otherwise now …

Money talks and the NHL listens

NHL officials all smiles after roping in new billionaires

    The National Hockey League was the last bastion of genuine goodness in North American professional sports. It had remained earnest and appreciative of being able to just play the game, as other professional sports leagues were selling out to the highest bidders. That gritty attitude came to an abrupt halt around 1995 because, well, money talks and the …

The NFL needs a reality check

Patrick Mahomes of the Kansas City Chiefs gets a half billion dollar contract

  “He earned it,” said the girlfriend of a National Football League player who just signed a $503 million contract with the Kansas City Chiefs. The NFL needs a reality check and quickly. We are living in a new world, yet the NFL has yet to catch on. We have not even completed the first round of Coronavirus infection, with …

The making of a Janet Channel blog post

Photos are necessary for blog posts and scenic photos like this at Lake Tahoe are often welcomed

  It might seem easy, but there are a ton of steps that go into the making of a Janet Channel blog post. Let us not forget first the leg work involved in creating the platform to share the posts. I discussed that process in a previous story. Content must be created once the canvass has been laid. It is …

Happy Mother’s Day weekend

My mom and me Halloween 2017

Isn’t my mother adorable? I want to squish her with a big hug every time I see this picture. Happy Mother’s Day Mom! I love you! Happy Mother’s Day weekend to all the Moms. I want to take a quick moment to give a shout out to all the mothers of the world, and this includes you furry moms too. …

Out of the Mute Box

Photo by Florine Duffield Out of the Mute Box When I was living my glory days at Torrance Beach, California, I ruffled some feathers. Yes, that would be me. I ruffled some feathers. These were pretty big feathers and I was just getting ready to take my writing show professional. I was suddenly blacklisted in Hollywood. I could not find …