Two days later and we still do not know who won the 2020 election

The latest vote count as of 2 p.m. Thursday


Two days later and we still do not know who won the 2020 election.

Who is going to be our president in February?

Beginning at 7 p.m. EST, Tuesday, polls started closing. Six states have yet to complete counting a record setting amount of ballots.

Starting a new update page/blog post

I have been watching the New York Times results page. The editors there have been cautious about calling the remaining battleground states. At last count Joe Biden was up 253 to 214, with 270 being the magic number.

Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, Hawaii, Arizona and Nevada remain in play.

I would like to clear up some misinformation

The Trump camp is is telling people that the remaining votes were cast after polls closed. This is an absolute lie, because voting ended on November 3. Counting continues as each vote cast on election day shold be counted.

Some states count all ballots postmarked by the time of polls closing. And there are states that only count ballots in their possession when their polls close.

Arizona is notorious for slow counting. As a print reporter waiting on results of close races, I often went nearly a week before I could report official results. Nevada’s secretary of state is Republican, so why would she be in cahoots with the Binden campain?

So, do not believe the lies


Protesters spread ballot lies on Wednesday
Corey, Corey, Corey. You are singing to the choir. All the people you are yelling at will agree. YES, voting ended Tuesday but unfortunately for your camp, the count of those Tuesday votes continues.


A copuple of states could be finished counting today, and everyone is anxious for final results.
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Georgia had a bit more than 47,000 ballots to count. Pennsylvania 500,000 more ballots. Arizona is planning on delivering additional results today. I believe Nevada will deliver more results Friday morning.

The protests did not take long to start


Protesters in Michigan attenmpt to strong arm a building where election workers were counting ballots
Protesters in Michigan attempt to strong arm a building where election workers were counting ballots

I did not think they would.

President Trump has also launched a handful of lawsuits to halt the counting.

Again, do not believe the lies. Each state being sued is operating under legal standards and standards in which they have been operating for many elections.

Peace out for now

But I will be updating this page as things progress over the next day. Two days later and we still do not know who won the 2020 election. Let’s hope this changes soon.


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Armed protesters in Phoenix swarmed the building where election workers were counting Wednesday night.
Armed protesters in Phoenix swarmed the building where election workers were counting Wednesday night.