Monthly Archives: June 2020

That nagging Covid-19 groin injury is back

Covid-19 cases see a large spike over the past few weeks

  I told you this was going to happen. Looking like it did in April, that nagging Covid-19 groin injury is back infecting thousands. According to Thursday statistics, the number of Covid-19 infections across the U.S rose by nearly 40,000 in the largest single-day increase since the pandemic began. These numbers follow weeks of steady or declining infections and hospitalizations. …

The making of a Janet Channel blog post

Photos are necessary for blog posts and scenic photos like this at Lake Tahoe are often welcomed

  It might seem easy, but there are a ton of steps that go into the making of a Janet Channel blog post. Let us not forget first the leg work involved in creating the platform to share the posts. I discussed that process in a previous story. Content must be created once the canvass has been laid. It is …

The headlines verify a nation gone mad

Armed protesters take control of Seattle

  Have you read the news lately? The headlines verify a nation gone mad. People are protesting an animated Nickelodeon show about a police dog. Wealthy celebrities who can hire their own security, or those victimized by police, want to defund police departments. Protesters have taken over Seattle. Looters walk off with a $100,000 in merchandise from a Florida Walmart.  …

Today we see trauma caused by power and greed

Vigilantes are arming themselves against activists Antifa

    Yesterday I thought about the fractured state of America and how it has been this way since the days of Christopher Columbus. Today we see trauma caused by power and greed. A Native American can certainly attest to trauma caused by power and greed. They were already here on this land when an advanced society came in with …