The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

There is not much to talk about besides the Coronavirus and its stronghold on the world. The pandemic has taken over every aspect of our lives. I thought I would pick out some of the highlights of the past couple of days and share them with you. I decided I would list the good the bad and the ugly in reverse order so that we can try to end the work week on a high note.

The Ugly: High numbers of Coronavirus infections and unemployment claims, a fired U.S. Navy Captain, China announcing that the United States needs to contain Covid-19 and people complaining about free HBO.

As the numbers of infections and hotspots continue to grow, most all states are in lockdown with residents given the stay at home order. It is expected that soon we will be told by WHO, World Health Organization, that we will all need to wear a mask of some kind if we go outside.

Unemployment claims continue to rise. Approximately 10 million are out of work and there are reports that the number could go as high as 20 million. Sadly, shutting down doors is the only way to contain the virus. Nevada is a state that brings in huge numbers of tourists, where there is not much social distancing. Nevada’s Coronavirus numbers are currently small because Gov. Sisolak shut down casinos and hotels early on.

Navy Captain Brett Crozier was fired after a plea for help letter was shared and then leaked to the media, after 25 members on his aircraft carrier tested positive for Coronavirus. At least 93 members have tested positive since. There are a reported 2,700 navy members on the ship, and they are in the process of being evacuated.

Perhaps had his call for help been addressed sooner, he would not have had to sacrifice his own job and the possibility of putting the ship in harms way to get the help he needed. It is sad that our United States Navy brass has been in denial and created this situation.

The sailors on the Theodore Roosevelt expressed their gratitude to their captain with a massive salute. You tell me who is right and who is wrong.

China’s top Coronavirus expert warns of a world disaster if the U.S. fails to contain the spread. Really? Had China prevented the spread in the first place, we would not be having these daily discussions of gloom and doom. Ever heard the phrase The Pot Calling the Kettle Black? Need I say more?

HBO has offered 500 hours of free streaming programming to those without HBO. I read this story and was left disgusted at the negative comments by readers. The number one complaint was that HBO was not adding the designated programming to cable TV. No, it is streaming AND it is free.

What is wrong with people? Maybe they would like some whine with their cheese?

The Bad: Jennifer Lopez, Alex Rodriguez, Don Jr. and attention seekers.

One would hope that the super wealthy and or powerful would not flaunt their privilege during a time when the entire country is basically on lockdown. During a time when people can’t pay rent or feed the kids.

Jennifer Lopez and her boyfriend Alex Rodriquez surly have a gym in one of their many homes. So why was it necessary for them to ask a gym owner in Miami to open especially for them? Where is their stay at home order? Is going to an outside gym considered an essential activity?
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Don Jr. He owns a home in the Hamptons. So why doesn’t he stay in it? He dragged his secret service detail with him yesterday to a gun range for target practice. He is the son of the president of the United States. Does he not have an obligation to do what the rest of the country is asked to do? Where is his stay at home order? Is practicing the art of killing wild and precious animals in Africa an essential activity?

Attention seekers get on my nerves on a good day, never mind during Corona time. I can’t tell you how many females have posted pictures of their bare behinds over the past week. There are so many things I would like to say, but I will leave it at this: A brain is a terrible thing to waste. Get over yourselves already.

The Good: Russell Wilson, Robert Kraft and traveling food banks.

Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson and his wife Ciara are pioneering a 10-million meal donation to the nonprofit Feeding America. Recognizing the global pandemic, the pair wants to show love and they want to give. The private jet company Wheels Up for Meals Up is included in this project.

Russell and Ciara have also donated one million meals to Seattle Food Lifetime since the pandemic began.

NFL Patriots owner Robert Kraft purchased and flew in from China 300,000 N95 masks and had them delivered to New York, one of the hardest hit Coronavirus areas in the country. Apparently, there are another 500,000 masks yet to come. In total, it is reported that 1.2 million masks will be distributed to healthcare workers in New York, Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

Lastly, many food banks have had to close but the Second Harvest Foodbank of Central Florida has opened for drive through service in Orlando. Vehicles stretching a half mile waited as volunteers loaded vehicles with eggs, produce and meats.

If anyone has other noteworthy stories to share, please let me know. Until then, have a safe weekend. Obey the stay at home orders unless there is an essential activity in which you must attend. I will be back to the blog over the next two days if news warrants. If not, I will see you Monday.