Happy Valentine’s Day

Hello and Happy Valentine’s Day

Today is the official launch of my newly branded Janet DelTufo blog site. Please stop by often, and subscribe to the blog, especially if you are looking for a breakdown of the day’s news. I do not generally have an opportunity to actually break news, at least not on a large scale, but I might be the one who breaks the news to you and I can break it down as well. Much of how news is absorbed is through personal perspective and without all the vital bits and pieces, one might not understand what is truly happening. I remember when I covered city council and a vice mayor told me that my stories made sense of issues that came before the council that he did not even fully understand. I am a gatherer and that allows me to paint a full picture in a small amount of words.

If we are friends on Facebook, you can comment on stories. I have comments turned off here at the blog.

Oh, today is also my friend Rory’s birthday. Happy Birthday Rory. Have a great one!

I am hoping everyone has a fabulous Valentine’s Day weekend. Enjoy the treats and the time with loved ones.
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