Welcome to my new home

Real estate blog, Cave Rock, Lake Tahoe Nevada

Hey Everyone and welcome to my new home.

I am in the process of designing this website to showcase my various interests through blog posts. You will find a tab at the top of the page for each topic I will be posting about. I plan to have new stories (blog posts) ready for launch on Valentine’s Day.

To summarize who I am, I have been a print news reporter since the seventh grade, and the past few years I have been settling into my current reporting role: A publicity agent with a news flair. The “Janet” style of informing or just telling it like it is.

I am excited for the opportunity to become the news site I have always dreamed of becoming. One of the stories you can expect on launch day is about some amazing photographers I know. These are folks blessed with unbelievable talent and they deserve recognition for their skills.

Additionally, I am a licensed real estate agent in the state of Nevada, and you will learn that I am drawn to politics. I have a lot going on, which prompted me to brand my interests on the one site that bears my name.

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Some of you may know me as Faith Wolf, not an alias but an alter ego, and my Christian blog, The Journey Victorious will remain a stand alone reporting site. Though I should warn you, my Christian blog is not always warm and fuzzy.

Meanwhile, enjoy one of my favorite Cave Rock Lake Tahoe pictures. I was able to capture my own special rainbow, which is why it is one of my favorites.

Have a great week!
