
Love your country, just don’t trust your government

Waco under fire during an FBI seige

If my dad said these words once, he said them 100 times: Love your country, just don’t trust your government. This sentiment is magnified in the six-episode series “Waco.” This is not a Netflix original series, but it is available now on Netflix. There are varying opinions about the 1993 Waco, Texas siege. In the end, 76 individuals perished. The …

A Kind of Great Shake

Last night, Carson City Nevada and neighboring residents had a Coronavirus house-arrest surprise. A kind of great shake. No, milkshakes were not delivered to our doors by the government. We had a strong 4.5 earthquake. It was originally reported by the Nevada Seismological Laboratory as 5.0, but it was later reduced to 4.5. I am in the minority. I like …