Yes America might be broken but has it ever not been?

Riots across America have left it broken



A British headline is calling it Broken America. Yes America might be broken, but has it ever not been?

Will we ever learn

Nearly 30 years after the Rodney King police beating in Los Angeles California, we see cities across America burn and shatter over yet another white police officer beating and or killing of a black male during an arrest.

The Minneapolis police arrested George Floyd (46) a week ago. During his arrest, he died of suffocation. Caught on surveillance video, the event took place during the day. The Rodney King incident took place at night. An independent eyewitness videoed the end result of a minor car chase involving Rodney King.

Me personally, I strive to have very little police contact. And if I have contact, I do not provoke anger in the person who can shoot me dead. It is safe to say that leading the police on a car chase creates the possibility that things could get ugly. Whatever it was that lead to the George Floyd arrest, the police are not the judge and jury. They do not determine the punishment for the crime.

Police beat up George Floyd before killing him

Reports say officers beat up George Floyd in the back of the police car before dragging him to the ground.

These same officers took an oath to serve and protect, not beat up cuffed individuals or shoot people running in the opposite direction.

Now some full disclosure. I was a crime reporter for more than 14 years and I have known many members of law enforcement. Most of them fine people. While cuffed, however, a white officer beat up a white teen. Again, caught on video, there is no question what took place.

The officer ended up with pay and did not lose his job even though a larger police agency recommended assault charges.

I have seen a lot

From start to finish I watched the Rodney King riots. As a school photographer, I worked in what became the riot torn area on a regular basis and got to know people at the schools. I was very concerned for those who lived in the line of fire. It was important for me to go there, and there was no stopping me.

I went two days after the initial burning began. I went with a friend who is a black male and we visited a couple of neighborhoods. It was a heart warming afternoon for me. The response to my presence was 100+ percent positive and it was one of life’s defining moments.

But nothing has changed

We see nothing has changed in almost 30 years. The date of the Rodney King beating was March 31, 1991 in the San Fernando Valley. The officers involved were handed felony assault charges, though none of the four were convicted. One was found not guilty and the jury deadlocked on the remaining three.
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That is when Los Angeles exploded. A friend and I were in the car when we heard the news on the radio. Born and raised in L.A., my friend’s exact words were, “L.A. is going to burn tonight.” He was right, it burned. From a hill in Rancho Palos Verdes, we could see the fires from afar.

Many cities are burning now

Rioters across America are destroying property of people and businesses who did them no harm. The anger is real, and I am not condoning this behavior but it is time law enforcement in this country figure out how stop these events from occurring.

Love your country, just don’t trust your government. Does this ring a bell? I wrote this just last month. How as a people can we trust an entity, in this case law enforcement, when its members beat and or kill teenage white boys in cuffs and grown black men handcuffed in the back seat of police cruisers?

The damage created by this incident is a million times worse than anything done or not done by George Floyd.

Broken America. Yes America might be broken but has it ever not been?


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This map shows where riots have started across the U.S.


Many stores in New York city were damaged by rioters and looters