Proof of Life

Easter Saturday at Lake Tahoe. A sign there is still life on this planet.

I have been under a rock the past couple of days. Even a reporter must close his or her eyes for a brief period, especially with the redundant gloom and doom that is our current state of news. I had a PTSD free 3-days. I have, however, been watching the IRS page for the launch of the “Get My Payment” portal or any other procedural news regarding any of the stimulus provisions. As soon as that site pops, I will be on to provide you with links.

Non-filers (those who have not filed with the IRS within the past two years) can start the process of receiving your stimulus payment right now.

So, I just did my due diligence and opened the news page. My stomachache is back … temporarily. I won’t be checking on any more news for the day. I will always come on the blog if something big takes place. I expect to be back tomorrow as well.

Easter Saturday was simply awesome. I went to Lake Tahoe. Any day at Lake Tahoe is a good day, never mind a day when your mind has started to play tricks on you. By Good Friday I was all but convinced that we were all but done.

I had out of the house tasks last week and the experiences were downright depressing. Everyone was wearing masks. People had their temperatures taken when walking into a medical building. Everyone was looking sad, scared and out of it.

I was ready for a break in the news and a day at the unbelievable Lake Tahoe. This is a place that never fails to speak to me. I first went to my friend’s for lunch in South Lake Tahoe (California Side). It was a surreal experience driving into South Lake Tahoe. Stateline (Nevada side) and Heavenly Village across the border were completely empty. I knew it would be this way, but to see it is another story. I usually take the back route to get to my friend’s house in order to avoid that whole cluster of stuff. I had to see it empty though. The billboards on the MontBleu and Hard Rock casinos were telling people to stay home.

Lunch was great and after we ate, we headed back over the border to Nevada Beach. We are so lucky that we have not had the lake closed off to us. I have family in New Jersey, and they cannot get near their beaches.

There were quite a few people at Nevada Beach, but it was not packed like summer. Everyone was respectful of each other’s social distancing, and not one person was wearing a mask. It was so refreshing on my eyes to not see a mask anywhere. People were talking to each other and they were smiling.

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It was a gorgeous day, 60 degrees and sunny. I was down to one layer of clothing. My socks and boots were off, and it was perfectly comfortable. The sun at this elevation is much stronger than at lower levels. It can be sunny and 70 at the lake and you have no idea you are turning into a lobster until you see a mirror. So, 60 degrees and sunny is quite lovely.

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter. I was blessed to witness proof of life and my message to all of you is to not give up hope. Hang on for one more day.

P.S. Just a reminder that comments on this blog are turned off. Anyone who is a friend on Facebook or Twitter can comment there as I post story links to those pages. Those who are not social media friends can always email me or text if you have the number.


Proof of life

I am guilty of taking what my friend and I call “envy pictures.” I am sorry. Anyway, as soon as I walked in his door for lunch Saturday I said, “We need to hit Nevada Beach after lunch because I need proof of life pictures.” We giggled about the extra proof of life sentiment.

Little did I know at that moment exactly how deep that sentiment would go.