Twitter users are asking Netflix to remove The Help from its service

This is one of The Help covers



Viewers are slamming the 2011 historical drama The Help over a message I never took from the movie. Apparently, Twitter users are asking Netflix to remove The Help from its service because of its “white savior narrative.”

I disagree with these viewers and Twitter users, and this movement surprises me. I have seen The Help and the narrative I arrive at is one of strong, courageous, and kind women of both colors black and white. It was about women helping women, despite the objections of those higher up the social ladder.

What is wrong with that?

Is it so hard to believe women can help other women? Is it possible there were white women in that day who cared about the plight of the black women who raised them?

The folks complaining are saying the movie does not teach about racism. That is the furthest thing from the truth. The movie is first based on racism and second on sisterhood. We can be different colors and still be sisters.

You cannot erase history

In my last post I mentioned that we cannot erase history. The Help allows viewers to see the challenges black women of that day endured. The movie portrayed how high ranking white women treated these hard working and deeply committed women.

The movie ends by not praising the white ghost writer but by praising the black storyteller. The credit went to whom it was due.

So, while Twitter users are asking Netflix to remove The Help from its service because of their perceived white savior narrative, maybe they need to look again and see the strong-woman narrative in this gracefully written and well-acted movie.

Watch while you can

If you are a Netflix subscriber, watch The Help while you can in the event Netflix pulls it. There are many wonderful characters in the movie. They will make you laugh, and they will make you cry. Octavia Spencer won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress for her role in the movie.

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Let us be people looking for the positive rather than the negative.


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Characters in the movie the Help say goodbye to each other.


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