Support This Independent Channel


Hello Friends of The Janet Channel.


As an independent news reporter, I have created this channel for the purpose of presenting my audience with factual information about the world around us. My style is news, mixed with a splash of editorial color, but the facts will always come first. My opinion need not matter, the truth is what counts.

Please help me remain independent by supporting this channel. It is my hope to also create content through podcasts and videocasts on YouTube. I will keep you posted. Meanwhile, thank you for your contribution. This is a secured site, and payments are processed through the Stripe payment system. Until I upgrade the payment system, or figure out another way, I cannot yet set up donors on recurring payments. But you can come out whenever you want to lend a helping hand. ALL contributions are appreciated. Your support keeps this channel independent and growing while free of burdensome advertising.

(If you are on Microsoft Edge and cannot add a payment method, do a quick switch to Chrome. Thank you, again.)


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